Video: Comparing and Choosing The Best HEVC Codec

On-demand Presentation
Content distributors and aggregators adding HEVC to their delivery pipeline will have plenty of codec options, but who has the time to evaluate their features, output quality, and performance?

No worries—codec specialist Jan Ozer has done the work for you. He’s evaluated leading contenders like x265, MainConcept, Beamr, Intel, and NTT and he’ll share his results. You’ll walk away from this session with a much clearer picture of the strengths and weaknesses of your HEVC encoding options for VOD streaming.

Webinar: On-the-fly Watermarking with Nexguard and Aspera

Webinar: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 8am PT, 16:00 GMT
In this product-focused webinar, learn how the integration of NexGuard’s File Delivery solution with Aspera high-speed file transfer enables on-the-fly watermarking as part of the delivery process. We will demonstrate the two-step watermarking process that allows for watermarking during one-to-many, high-speed file delivery.

Gabriel Cantin, Product Manager, Nexguard, Kudelski Group
Tobo Atchou, Customer Solutions Engineer, Aspera an IBM Company


Webinar: The Benefits of LIVE OTT in the Cloud

Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017
Time: 8:00 am PT / 11:00 am ET / 16:00 UTC

Consumers demand access to their favorite content anytime and anywhere. That includes access to on-demand and live feeds. VoD delivery itself is not considered a differentiator anymore as consumers want a better holistic experience and access to live feeds via OTT platforms. The process of managing live OTT video workflows capable of delivering at scale and with no disruption or errors requires a new approach.

This webinar will explore how technology innovations can support live OTT content distribution at scale while creating new monetization opportunities. We will discuss how to meet additional consumer requirements through further engagement techniques via cloud-based solutions, as offering a live TV service is ultimately not just about streaming; it is about creating an end-to-end holistic experience.

    Key Topics for Discussion

  • Key trends driving the shift in live consumption
  • Live TV as a holistic experience
  • Speed and reliability as paramount metric to create that experience
  • Monitoring and analytics as an enabler for quality improvement
  • Live to VOD offerings to maximise revenue and engagement

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Webinar: DASH—New Advancements in DASH Media Delivery

Webinar: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2017 – 11:00AM PT / 2:00PM ET / 19:00 BST
In this webinar, we will present the latest MPEG and DASH-IF advancements on DASH. We will cover new additional standard tools for OTT, DASH support for VR/360° video delivery, low-latency DASH streaming, DRM, and the DASH-IF guidelines for streaming UHD/HDR content.