Video: High Dynamic Range in AV1

Google and the University of Warwick explain AV1, its current status and how it can support HDR with WMG’s trueDR at the IABM’s Future Trends Theatre at IBC 2018.

Matt Frost from Chrome Media takes the stage first giving an overview of AV1’s goals, objective quality tests and where we are in AV1’s timeline as well as answering many questions from the audience.

Next Alan Chalmers from the University of Warwick explains how they added HLG, HDR10 (PQ) to AV1. Also added are new, scene-referenced, HDR methods which Alan explains the works of and reasons for.

Watch now!

Alan Chalmers Alan Chalmers
WMG & trueDR, University of Warwick
Matt Frost Matt Frost
Director, Product Management,
Google Chrome Media