Webinar: WebRTC, is it Right for Me? 

Date: December 13th 2017, 10 AM PST / 18:00 GMT

WebRTC offers wide compatibility and low latency, so what’s not to like? This webinar looks at where WebRTC fits in just nicely and where other protocols are better. This is the second in a three-part webinar series from Wowza looking at how WebRTC helps general use cases and how their equipment supports that.

This webinar covers:

  • Ideal uses cases to employ WebRTC
  • How WebRTC integrates with Wowza Streaming Engine and how WSE facilitates scaling to large audiences with this standard
  • How you can leverage WebRTC, Wowza Streaming Engine, and Wowza Streaming Cloud to easily deliver lightning fast, low latency video streams

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Webinar: Get Ultra Low with Your Latency

Date: November 8th 2018, 10AM PST / 17:00 GMT
As the first of Wowza’s Low-Latency Streaming webinar series, join Pete McIntosh, Jamie Sherry and Mac Hill who’ll take you through the basics of streaming protocols so learn why latency isn’t always low and what techniques you can use to reduce it. They’ll also tell you how Wowza’s launched their low-latency product.

Register and learn!