Webinar: 13th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Update

Webinar: 26th January 2018, 16:00GMT

Broadcasters are finally starting to take network and IT security seriously after successful attacks against Sony Pictures, TV5 Monde and others. This webinar gives a ‘state of play’ to understand the current landscape of internet attacks like DDOS and malware and how IoT fits in. There’s much to take away to our broadcast lives from hearing about the mounting challenges ahead for those involved in day-to-day security operations.
Arbor Networks’ 13th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report (WISR) offers a rare view into the most critical security challenges facing today’s network operators. This session will review the highlights from the report to help network operators understand the breadth of the threats that they face, gain insight into what their peers are doing to address these threats, and comprehend both new and continuing trends.

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On Demand Webinar: Project On Ramp: Migrating Discovery’s Media Supply Chain to the Cloud

Over the last few years, the emergence of new technology and the sheer volumes of new programming content to be processed and delivered had presented many challenges for Discovery Communications. To address these, Discovery decided to re-evaluate and re-design their media supply chain, choosing a cloud-based model, enabled by companies such as Amazon Web Services and SDVI. This webinar presents how Discovery designed and deployed their virtualized media supply chain, with insights into the challenges they faced, how they selected their partners, and the significant cost and operations benefits that they are now achieving.

With Speakers Josh Derby, Vice President, Technology and Development & Strategy, Discovery Communications
Bhavik Vyas, Global Alliances & Segment Leader – Media and Entertainment, AWS
Brian Pelletier, Products & Solutions, SDVI

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Webinar: How to stream media from the edge without expensive satellite infastructure and dedicated fibre

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 8 am PT

In this webinar, learn how T-21 hardware devices, equipped with Aspera’s industry-leading high-speed transport, enable broadcasters and production companies to securely encode, decode, transcode, and then stream glitch-free broadcast-quality media from the edge, over commodity internet connections.

Featuring Kevin Ancelin, Founder and CEO of T-21 Technologies
Mike Flathers, CTO, Aspera, an IBM Company

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Video: SMPTE Timed Text

As much as video and audio are an essential part of watching a video, increasingly so is Timed Text (AKA Subtitles or Closed Captions). Legally required in some countries, its practical use beyond the hard of hearing is increasingly acknowledged. Whether for a sound-less TV in a reception or to help your follow the programme over the noise, Timed Text is here to stay online and in traditional broadcast. With the FCC declaring SMPTE-TT a ‘Safe Harbor’ format[1][2] it has become a default format for subtitles interchange in the professional world.

In this webinar:
Why did we need a language for Timed Text?
An overview of TTML (Timed Text Markup Language from the WC3)
Examples of TTML
How SMPTE-TT extends TTML
How SMPTE-TT ends up as Closed Captions/CEA-608

Watch now!

[1] https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-12-9A1.txt
[2] FCC § 79.103 (c)