Video: Overview of SRT Streaming – Secure, Reliable Transport

The open source protocol SRT allows for encrypted, reliable streaming on the public internet for distribution as well as high bitrate contribution video. Chris Michaels tells us that it’s free, explains how it works and gives real world examples in this video from Roadway Media.

Chris explains how the protocol delivers reliability over bad networks, shows example videos, explains how it encrypts the streams to make them secure.

Watch now!


Chris Michaels Chris Michaels
SRT Evangelist

Video: Integrating Machine Learning with ABR streaming at YouTube

In another great talk from Demuxed 2018, Steve Robertson from YouTube sheds light on trials they have been running, some with Machine Learning, to understand viewer’s appreciation of quality. Tests involve profiling the ways – and hence environments – users watch in, using different UIs, occasionally resetting a quality level preference and others. Some had big effects, whilst others didn’t.

The end-game here is acknowledging that mobile data costs money for consumers, but clearly YouTube would like to reduce their bandwidth costs too. So when quality is not needed, don’t supply it.

The talk starts with a brief AV1 update, YouTube being an early adopter of it in production.

Watch now!

Video: Lessons learned from streaming the World Cup live in UHD with HDR

A step by walk through fuboTV’s FIFA World Cup streaming system. Delivering to FOX, Billy Romero and Thomas Symborski explain the challenges and the successes streaming from Russia to the US in UHD HDR.

This talk from Demuxed 2018 shows examples of how social media can help get reports back of problems and the real life usage stats. Billy and Thomas explain their system from commissioning through vendor choice and all the way to CMAF delivery.

A refreshingly transparent talk which is well worth watching!


Billy Romero Billy Romero
Video Operations Manager,
Thomas Symborski Thomas Symborski
Research & Innovation Tech. Lead