Video: CHUNKY MONKEY – using chunked-encoded chunked-transferred CMAF to bring low latency live to very large scale audiences

Will Law from Akamai proves his chunky credentials by telling us how to achieve very low-latency streaming in his talk at Demuxed 2018.

In the jungle of solutions for low latency live streaming, there are many current options ranging from WebRTC, to proprietary UDP protocols to standard segmented media with ever-shortening segments. This session highlights one of these – chunked-encoded chunked-transferred CMAF – as an optimal and practical confluence of both reach and performance. On the technical side, we’ll investigate the underlying technology, the latency regimes possible, compatibility with legacy players, cachability on delivery networks and player behaviour requirements. Including live demonstrations of several streams on a production network. This talk looks at the standards from DVB and MPEG DASH as well as CDN support. As a sweetener, Will points you at open source code on both the encoder and player side for doing this all yourself.


Will Law Will Law
Chief Architect, Media Cloud Engineering
Akamai Technologies

Video: Low-Latency Live OTT Streaming CMAF and the alternatives

Will Law, shows we can get close to traditional live broadcast latency even over OTT. Summarising the typical latency and capability of the various streaming protocols, Will introduces CMAF and explains why this is destined to significantly reduce steaming latency.

Will’s enthusiastic and detailed explanations and the slides are a great reference to understand the pros and cons of HLS, Smoothstreaming, RTMP, WebRTC etc. even without the CMAF introduction which is a great primer for the future.

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