Video: Codec News – Status of HEVC

Jonatan Samuelsson, CEO of Divideon gives a short history of HEVC, it’s status and looks beyond HEVC including a teaser of his own technology, XVC. A great follow on from JanOzer’s codecs update talk and the AV1 update from the Alliance of Open Media all at Streaming Tech Sweden at the end of last year.

Watch now!

Video: What causes delays in broadcast networks? Linear Vs. Live Streaming

Video: 24 minutes
A brilliant look at all the delays in broadcasting from traditional linear channels to live internet streaming. Anders Cedronius from Net Insight discusses what is acceptable and what is achievable in today’s world? Can live streaming delay match, or even beat, traditional broadcast delays?

Recorded at Streaming Tech Sweden, a Swedish conference with a dedicated focus on the technology for video streaming. Organised by Eyevinn Technology, this is the meeting place for tech managers, architects, developers and product managers looking to be educated and inspired by experts in this area, network with peers and bring home new thoughts and ideas.


Video: Current Status of Codecs Keynote from Jan Ozer

From the Streaming Tech conference in Sweden, Jan Ozer gives us a pleasantly detailed overview of the status of codec licencing, costs, development and performance. From h.264 to VP9 to AV1 with a section on HEVC.

Streaming Tech Sweden is a Swedish conference with a dedicated focus on the technology for video streaming. This is the meeting place for tech managers, architects, developers and product managers looking to be educated and inspired by experts in this area, network with peers and bring home new thoughts and ideas.
