Video: Broadcasting WebRTC over Low Latency Dash

Using sub-second WebRTC with the scalability of CMAF: Allowing panelists and presenters to chat in real-time is really important to foster fluid conversations, but broadcasting that out to thousands of people scales more easily with CMAF based on MPEG DASH. In this talk, Mux’s Dylan Jhaveri (formerly CTO, explains how they’ve combined WebRTC and CMAF to keep latencies low for everyone.

Speaking at the San Francisco VidDev meetup, Dylan explains that the Crowdspace webpage allows you to watch a number of participants talk in real-time as a live stream with live chat down the side of the screen. The live chat, naturally, feeds into the live conversation so latency needs to be low for the viewers as much as the on-camera participants. For them, WebRTC is used as this is one of the very few options that provides reliable sub-second streaming. To keep the interactivity between the chat and the participants, Crowdcast decided to look at ultra-low-latency CMAF which can deliver between 1 and 5 second latency depending on your risk threshold for rebuffering. So the task became to convert a WebRTC call into a low-latency stream that could easily be received by thousands of viewers.


Dylan points out that they were already taking WebRTC into the browser as that’s how people were using the platform. Therefore, using headless Chrome should allow you to pipe the video from the browser into ffmpeg and create an encode without having to composite individual streams whilst giving Crowdcast full layout control.

After a few months of tweaking, Dylan and his colleagues had Chrome going into ffmpeg then into a nodejs server which delivers CMAF chunks and manifests (click to learn more about how CMAF works). In order to scale this, Dylan explains the logic implemented in a CDN to use the nodejs server running in a docker container as an origin server. Using HLS they have a 95% cache hit rate and achieve 15 seconds latency. The tests at the time of the talks, Dylan explains, show that the CMAF implementation hits 3 seconds of latency and was working as expected.

The talk ends with a Q&A covering how they get the video out of the headerless Chrome, whether CMAF latency could be improved and why there are so many docker containers.

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Dylan Jhaveri Dylan Jhaveri
Senior Software Engineer, Mux
Formerly CTO & Co-founder,

Video: I know X, what does WebRTC get me?

WebRTC is now a W3C standard providing sub-second peer-to-peer video and audio streaming with NAT traversal. Widely used for video conferencing, its sub-second latency has also been the focus of video streaming companies such as Millicast and Limelight (to name but two) who aim to deliver this otherwise peer-to-peer technology to thousands or millions of people in under a second enabling interactive video, gamefied streams, auctions and ultra-low-latency sports.

Addressing directly people using other streaming protocols, Pion creator Sean DuBois spoke at SF Video Tech about what WebRTC brings over and above protocols like RTMP, SRT and RIST. At the heart of it, WebRTC, like SRT and RIST, creates a connection over which it can send a variety of data. Whilst we expect media to be sent, actually, file transfer can be easily achieved – let’s not forget the whole of SRT is build upon UDT which is specifically a file delivery utility. Where file transfer can be achieved, so can real-time data & metadata transfer.

Sean quickly summarises WebRTC as a Protocol between (typically) browsers, an peer-to-peer secure connection over which multiple audio & video streams can flow. In common with RIST and other recent protocols, it’s based on many pre-existing
technologies such as SRTP, DTLS, ICE and SDP to deliver signalling, connection management, encryption and communication.



The list of improvements over RTMP is very long. They’re spelt out concisely in the video so we will highlight just a few here. Importantly, low-latency is key. RTMP was low-latency for its time, but not by today’s standards. Google’s Stadia can boast 125ms video latency for a keypress, explains Sean. DTLS and SRTP are essential for security but are well understood, trusted methods of securing your data. DTLS is pretty much exactly the same as the TLS which secures your bank transfers, just moved into UDP instead of TCP. However, WebRTC can work by exchanging ‘fingerprints’ (DTLS-SRTP) instead of the full trusted certificate infrastructure that underpins TLS on the web. Removing the requirement for certs is a big boost for flexibility and agility as long as you are confident you can exchange fingerprints securely ahead of time.

NAT traversal is also a big boon where, even with both endpoints behind a firewall, endpoints can always find a way to communicate although this does mean that ICE servers are needed to facilitate connectivity. Within broadcasting, however, it’s more likely that you’ll have control of one end so this is less needed. Sean highlights the ability to send multiple quality levels within the same stream using the ‘simulcast’ ability of WebRTC.

Sean then looks at SRT and RIST. Both of these are low-latency streaming protocols which can, both, also provide sub-second streaming for good connections with a relatively low RTT. Sean highlights the lack of SRT and RIST to negotiate the codec in use and their optional security. Being focused more on delivering contribution feeds, they tend to have a more static configuration often created after a programme of testing to ensure the quality will be acceptable to the broadcaster/streaming provider.

To finish, Sean highlights a whole series of interesting, innovative uses of WebRTC from informal group streaming to drones to shared online games to file transfers and more.

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Sean DuBois Sean DuBois
Developer, Apple
Creator of Pion WebRTC

Video: Doing Better Congestion Control with BBR & Copa

In networking there are many possible bottlenecks, but the most pervasive is congestion caused by links operating at capacity and saturating the buffers. Full buffers are unable to fully adapt to the incoming traffic, increasing the chances of dropped packets, but the extra latency added by full buffer after full buffer quickly adds up and this extra latency further degrades the quality of the connection for the data that does make it through.

It’s no surprise then, that a lot of work goes into finding the best ‘congestion’ algorithms to allow data senders to back off when a link stops responding well. This talk, from Facebook engineer Nitin Garg, examines old and new approaches to keeping streams fast and responsive by running a 4-million-data-point test of three contenders, Cubic, BBR and Copa.

Nitin starts by introducing what we mean by ‘congestion’, how and why it occurs. The simple example is that your computer can send data, typically, at up to 1Gbps, yet your uplink to the internet is likely below this number. So congestion control is a feedback mechanism which lets your computer realise that sending at 1Gbps isn’t working and allows it to throttle back to a speed which fits within your upload bandwidth. The same is true further down the pipe. If you have 50Mbps uplink to the internet, but you are sending to a server which only has 10Mbps left, not only does your computer need to throttle below 50, but also 10Mbps.

We then walk through how Cubic, BBR and Copa work with Nitin explaining the differences. <a href=”” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank>Copa is the newest of the protocols comes from MIT and comes with the unique ability to tune it to your need; throughput or low latency. As discussed above, to keep latency down, buffer size needs to be minimised which stops you being aggressive in loading up links which leads to latency and throughput being at opposite ends of a see-saw.

Nitin’s test was on mobile phones using Facebook’s Live streaming app on Android and iOS for live streaming with ABR where the app itself adapts to ensure that it is streaming with as high a quality as possible, but willing to reduce the bitrate when needed. Testing from global markets, they measured round trip times and the amount of delivered data. Nitin walks through the results both for latency and throughput and shows that when Copa is optimised for latency, in the worst conditions it leads the other two protocols in latency reduction.

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Nitin Garg Nitin Garg
Software Engineer, Videos Infra,

Video: Scaling up Anime with Machine Learning and Smart Real Time Algorithms

Too long has video been dominated by natural scenes and compression has been about optimising for skin tones. Recently we have seen technologies taking care of displaying other types of video correctly like computer displays such as computer games, as seen in VVC and also animation optimisation for upscalers as we explore in this talk.

Anime, a Japanese genre of animation, is not very different from an objective point of video from most video cartoons; the drawing style is black lines on relatively simple, solid areas of colour. Anime itself is a clearly distinct genre whose fans are much more sensitive to quality, but for codecs and scalers, 2D animation, in general, is a style that easily shows artefacts.

Up- and down-scaling is the process of making an image of say 1080 pixels high and 1920 wide larger, for instance 2160×3840 or smaller, say to SD resolution. Achieving this without jagged edges or blurriness is difficult and conventional maths can do a decent job, but often leaves something to be desired. Christopher Kennedy from Crunchyroll explains the testing he’s done looking at a super resolution upscaling technique which uses machine learning to improve the quality of upscaled anime video.

Waifu2x is an opensource algorithm which uses Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to scale images and remove artefacts. To start with, Christopher explains the background of traditional algorithmic upscaling discussing the fact that better-looking algorithms take longer so TVs often choose the fastest leading them to look pretty bad if fed SD video. Better for the streaming provider to spend the time doing an upconversion to 4K so allow the viewer a better final quality on their set.

Machine Learning needs a training set and one thing which has contributed to waifu2x’s success in Anime is that it has been trained only on examples of anime leaving it well practised in improving this type of image. Christopher presents the results of his tests comparing standard bilinear and bicubic scaling with waifu2x showing the VMAF, PSNR and SSIM scores.

Finishing off the video, Christopher talks about the time this waifu2x takes to run, the cost of running it in the cloud and he shares some of the command lines he used.

Reference links:

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Christopher Kennedy Christopher Kennedy
Staff Video Engineer,