Tuesday September 25th 2018, 18:00 BST / 10AM PT / 1PM ET
Continuing the Streaming Video Alliance’s great webinar series, Jason Thibeault is back to discuss the consumer demand to download video and how to implement it. Joining Jason to share his experience and opinions is Joshua Pressnell, CTO of Penthera.
One thing is clear about consumer behavior when it comes to watching video-on-demand: people want to watch it whenever and wherever they want. Unfortunately, especially as more consumers gravitate towards mobile devices on inconsistent Wi-Fi and cellular networks, achieving a high-quality experience is fraught with difficulties. Enter download-to-go. This functionality, pioneered by Netflix and Amazon, allows consumers to download content to their phones for off-line viewing, ensuring the highest quality viewing experience without having to worry about spotty network coverage. But how do you implement this solution? Is there a way this solution can be applied to connected storage in the home?
In this discussion, you’ll learn about the intricacies involved in implementing download-to-go functionality, how the feature is evolving to potentially make use of in-home storage, and many of the challenges associated with providing this kind of service to subscribers.
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Joshua Pressnell
Chief Technology Officer, Penthera |
Joshua Pressnell joined Penthera after a long career as a military contractor developing integrated sensor systems and standards. Pressnell brought extensive experience in embedded systems, signals intelligence, sensor data fusion, and real-time software to the mobile software development industry, and quickly built a stellar reputation as an independent developer of top-ranked and top-grossing iOS mobile apps. Pressnell joined Penthera in 2011 as the iOS Team Lead, eventually taking on the role of Director of Engineering, and now Chief Technical Officer.
Jason Thibeault
Executive Director of the Streaming Video Alliance |
The Streaming Video Alliance is a global consortium of companies working to create best practices to drive the adoption of online video. Prior to this role, Jason spent 8 years at Limelight Networks, a leading CDN, where he acted as principal technical evangelist, content marketing editor-in-chief, and marketing strategist. Jason is the co-author of the marketing thought-leadership book “Recommend This! Delivering Digital Experiences People Want to Share” (Wiley), author of the acclaimed novel “An Ordinary Magic” (Dime Novel Books), and an inventor on a number of technical patents.
Founded in 2014, the Streaming Video Alliance’s charter is to encourage deeper collaboration across the entire online video ecosystem, which will include the development of best practices for an open architecture that operates across the entire online video value chain. The Alliance is currently focused on identifying issues and solutions related to open architecture, quality of experience and interoperability. |