Video: Pay TV operators OTT D2C strategies

Direct to consumer (D2C) strategies have become all the rage in streaming producing Paramount+, Disney+ and Disovery+ from a list of many more. What is it that broadcasters are capitalising on by doing this and how do they get on with their rivals and partners, the telcos? This panel from Dataxis, moderated by Julian Clover probes to find out more.

Lydia Fairfax who leads partnerships for Discovery+ starts by saying that the strategy is to maintain the investment in linear channels, which have just seen their strongest Q1 ratings. This is done by working the budgets for linear alongside an incremental budget for Discovery+ which allows them to mirror their younger demographic by producing shows for that demographic which can then be trialled on the linear channels to understand what content will carry well. This is all part of a bid to ensure that Discovery+ content can have a life on linear so that investment is also not wasted. Work is ongoing to see whether showing the first episode of new content on a free to air (FTA) channel first and driving viewers to Discovery+ is a good way forward to whether releasing to FTA after an initial Discovery+ exclusivity window is the best way to maximise the value of content.



Antonella Dominici from TIMvision explains the role of TIMvision as, for the most part, an aggregator that works with big names like Discovery, Eurosport, Sky and many others to deliver a sophisticated offering to its Italian audience. Making its own content as well, Antonella explains they aren’t going up against Netflix, rather they are seeing specific niches in Italian TV and filling them with their original content. However, another USP over streaming giants is that they also deliver the major linear channels that Italians watch such as Sky Italy and RAI.

A different perspective is offered by Bulsatcom CEO Stanislav Georgiev. Now 21 years old, it’s well known in Bulgaria as a DTH platform and it’s Stanislav’s job, he says to make their OTT offering a major part of their business. They have the benefit of being a trusted brand and Stanislav sees their role as almost purely an aggregator. Turning to a question on the continued relevance of STBs, he says that the set-top box brings ‘order to the chaos’

The STB is still very much present, says Peter Røder Lristensen of 24i and whilst Android TV is growing both in STBs and on TVs, Peter says it’s not a matter of choosing the best, rather you need to be on every device else you’re not relevant. STBs have their benefits, Lydia reinforces, allowing broadcasters to push their brand and offer a shortcut from their linear channels direct to the Discovery+ app using the red button. Antonella says that she sees the STB catering to the ‘lean back’ viewers who much more want to be guided as to what to watch. She says that people who know what they want will just go into the app and search for it. Peter adds that creating consistency and integration across all the devices is key including using Google Voice as a starting point.

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Lydia Fairfax Lydia Fairfax
SVP, Head of Commercial Partnerships, EMEA
Antonella Dominici Antonella Dominici
Vice President TIMVISION & Entertainment Products
Peter Røder Kristensen Peter Røder Kristensen
Product Management,
Stanislav Georgiev Stanislav Georgiev
Julian Clover Julian Clover
Broadband TV News

Video: How to Deploy an IP-Based Infrastructure

An industry-wide move to any new technology takes time and there is a steady flow of people new to the technology. This video is a launchpad for anyone just coming into IP infrastructures whether because their company is starting or completing an IP project or because people are starting to ask the question “Should we go IP too?”.

Keycode Media’s Steve Dupaix starts with an overview of how SMPTE’s suite of standards called ST 2110 differs from other IP-based video and audio technologies such as NDI, SRT, RIST and Dante. The key takeaways are that NDI provides compressed video with a low delay of around 100ms with a suite of free tools to help you get started. SRT and RIST are similar technologies that are usually used to get AVC or HEVC video from A to B getting around packet loss, something that NDI and ST 2110 don’t protect for without FEC. This is because SRT and RIST are aimed at moving data over lossy networks like the internet. Find out more about SRT in this SMPTE video. For more on NDI, this video from SMPTE and VizRT gives the detail.



ST 2110’s purpose is to get high quality, usually lossless, video and audio around a local area network originally being envisaged as a way of displacing baseband SDI and was specced to work flawlessly in live production such as a studio. It brings with it some advantages such as separating the essences i.e. video, audio, timing and ancillary data are separate streams. It also brings the promise of higher density for routing operations, lower-cost infrastructure since the routers and switches are standard IT products and increased flexibility due to the much-reduced need to move/add cables.

Robert Erickson from Grass Valley explains that they have worked hard to move all of their product lines to ‘native IP’ as they believe all workflows will move IP whether on-premise or in the cloud. The next step, he sees is enabling more workflows that move video in and out of the cloud and for that, they need to move to JPEG XS which can be carried in ST 2110-20. Thomas Edwards from AWS adds their perspective agreeing that customers are increasingly using JPEG XS for this purpose but within the cloud, they expect the new CDI which is a specification for moving high-bandwidth traffic like 2110-20 streams of uncompressed video from point to point within the cloud.

John Mailhot from Imagine Communications is also the chair of the VSF activity group for ground-cloud-cloud-ground. This aims to harmonise the ways in which vendors provide movement of media, whatever bandwidth, into and out of the cloud as well as from point to point within. From the Imagine side, he says that ST 2110 is now embedded in all products but the key is to choose the most appropriate transport. In the cloud, CDI is often the most appropriate transport within AWS and he agrees that JPEG XS is the most appropriate for cloud<->ground operations.

The panel takes a moment to look at the way that the pandemic has impacted the use of video over IP. As we heard earlier this year, the New York Times had been waiting before their move to IP and the pandemic forced them to look at the market earlier than planned. When they looked, they found the products which they needed and moved to a full IP workflow. So this has been the theme and if anything has driven, and will continue to drive, innovation. The immediate need provided the motivation to consider new workflows and now that the workflow is IP, it’s quicker, cheaper and easier to test new variation. Thomas Edwards points out that many of the current workflows are heavily reliant on AVC or HEVC despite the desire to use JPEG XS for the broadcast content. For people at home, JPEG XS bandwidths aren’t practical but RIST with AVC works fine for most applications.

Interoperability between vendors has long been the focus of the industry for ST 2110 and, in John’s option, is now pretty reliable for inter-vendor essence exchanges. Recently the focus has been on doing the same with NMOS which both he and Robert report is working well from recent, multi-vendor projects they have been involved in. John’s interest is working out ways that the cloud and ground can find out about each other which isn’t a use case yet covered in AMWA’s NMOS IS-04.

The video ends with a Q&A covering the following:

  • Where to start in your transition to IP
  • What to look for in an ST 2110-capable switch
  • Multi-Level routing support
  • Using multicast in AWS
  • Whether IT equipment lifecycles conflict with Broadcast refresh cycles
  • Watch now!

    John Mailhot John Mailhot
    CTO & Director of Product Management, Infrastructure & Networking,
    Imagine Communications
    Ciro Noronha Ciro Noronha
    Executive Vice-President of Engineering,
    Cobalt Digital
    Thomas Edwards Thomas Edwards
    Principal Solutions Architect & Evangelist,
    Amazon Web Services
    Robert Erickson Robert Erickson
    Strategic Account Manager Sports and Venues,
    Grass Valley
    Steve Dupaix Steve Dupaix
    Senior Account Executive,
    Key Code Media

    Video: AES67 Over Wide Area Networks

    AES67 is a widely adopted standard for moving PCM audio from place to place. Being a standard, it’s ideal for connecting equipment together from different vendors and delivers almost zero latency, lossless audio from place to place. This video looks at use cases for moving AES from its traditional home on a company’s LAN to the WAN.

    Discovery’s Eurosport Technology Transformation (ETT) project is a great example of the compelling use case for moving to operations over the WAN. Eurosport’s Olivier Chambin explains that the idea behind the project is to centralise all the processing technology needed for their productions spread across Europe feeding their 60 playout channels.

    Control surfaces and some interface equipment is still necessary in the European production offices and commentary points throughout Europe, but the processing is done in two data centres, one in the Netherlands, the other in the UK. This means audio does need to travel between countries over Discovery’s dual MPLS WAN using IGMPv3 multicast with SSM

    From a video perspective, the ETT project has adopted 2110 for all essences with NMOS control. Over the WAN, video is sent as JPEG XS but all audio links are 2022-7 2110-30 with well over 10,000 audio streams in total. Timing is done using PTP aware switches with local GNSS-derived PTP with a unicast-over-WAN as a fallback. For more on PTP over WAN have a look at this RTS webinar and this update from Meinberg’s Daniel Boldt.



    Bolstering the push for standards such as AES67 is self-confessed ‘audioholic’ Anthony P. Kuzub from Canada’s CBC. Chair of the local AES section he makes the point that broadcast workflows have long used AES standards to ensure vendor interoperability from microphones to analogue connectors, from grounding to MADI (AES10). This is why AES67 is important as it will ensure that the next generation of equipment can also interoperate.

    Surrounding these two case studies is a presentation from Nicolas Sturmel all about the AES SC-02-12-M working group which aims to define the best ways of working to enable easy use of AES67 on the WAN. The key issue here is that AES67 was written expecting short links on a private network that you can completely control. Moving to a WAN or the internet with long-distance links on which your bandwidth or choice of protocols is limited can make AES67 perform badly if you don’t follow the best practices.

    To start with, Nicolas urges anyone to check they actually need AES67 over the WAN to start with. Only if you need precise timing (for lip-sync for example) with PCM quality and low latencies from 250ms down to as a little as 5 milliseconds do you really need AES67 instead of using other protocols such as ACIP, he explains. The problem being that any ping on the internet, even to something fairly close, can easily take 16 to 40ms for the round trip. This means you’re guaranteed 8ms of delay, but any one packet could be as late as 20ms known as the Packet Delay Variation (PDV).

    Not only do we need to find a way to transmit AES67, but also PTP. The Precise Time Protocol has ways of coping for jitter and delay, but these don’t work well on WAN links whether the delay in one direction may be different to the delay for a packet in the other direction. PTP also isn’t built to deal with the higher delay and jitter involved. PTP over WAN can be done and is a way to deliver a service but using a GPS receiver at each location, as Eurosport does, is a much better solution only hampered by cost and one’s ability to see enough of the sky.

    The internet can lose packets. Given a few hours, the internet will nearly always lose packets. To get around this problem, Nicolas looks at using FEC whereby you are constantly sending redundant data. FEC can send up to around 25% extra data so that if any is lost, the extra information sent can be leveraged to determine the lost values and reconstruct the stream. Whilst this is a solid approach, computing the FEC adds delay and the extra data being constantly sent adds a fixed uplift on your bandwidth need. For circuits that have very few issues, this can seem wasteful but having a fixed percentage can also be advantageous for circuits where a predictable bitrate is much more important. Nicolas also highlights that RIST, SRT or ST 2022-7 are other methods that can also work well. He talks about these longer in his talk with Andreas Hildrebrand

    The video concludes with a Q&A.

    Watch now!

    Nicolas Sturmel Nicolas Sturmel
    Product Manager – Senior Technologist,
    Merging Technologies
    Anthony P. Kuzub Anthony P. Kuzub
    Senior Systems Designer,
    CBC/Radio Canada
    Olivier Chambin Olivier Chambin
    Audio Broadcast Engineer, AioP and Voice-over-IP
    Eurosport Discovery

    Video: AES67 Beyond the LAN

    It can be tempting to treat a good quality WAN connection like a LAN. But even if it has a low ping time and doesn’t drop packets, when it comes to professional audio like AES67, you can help but unconver the differences. AES67 was designed for tranmission over short distances meaning extremely low latency and low jitter. However, there are ways to deal with this.

    Nicolas Sturmel from Merging Technologies is working as part of the AES SC-02-12M working group which has been defining the best ways of working to enable easy use of AES67 on the WAN wince the summer. The aims of the group are to define what you should expect to work with AES67, how you can improve your network connection and give guidance to manufacturers on further features needed.

    WANs come in a number of flavours, a fully controlled WAN like many larger broadacsters have which is fully controlled by them. Other WANs are operated on SLA by third parties which can provide less control but may present a reduced operating cost. The lowest cost is the internet.

    He starts by outlining the fact that AES67 was written to expect short links on a private network that you can completely control which causes problems when using the WAN/internet with long-distance links on which your bandwidth or choice of protocols can be limited. If you’re contributing into the cloud, then you have an extra layer of complication on top of the WAN. Virtualised computers can offer another place where jitter and uncertain timing can enter.


    The good news is that you may not need to use AES67 over the WAN. If you need precise timing (for lip-sync for example) with PCM quality and low latencies from 250ms down to as a little as 5 milliseconds do you really need AES67 instead of using other protocols such as ACIP, he explains. The problem being that any ping on the internet, even to something fairly close, can easily have a varying round trip time of, say, 16 to 40ms. This means you’re guaranteed 8ms of delay, but any one packet could be as late as 20ms. This variation in timing is known as the Packet Delay Variation (PDV).

    Not only do we need to find a way to transmit AES67, but also PTP. The Precise Time Protocol has ways of coping for jitter and delay, but these don’t work well on WAN links whether the delay in one direction may be different to the delay for a packet in the other direction. PTP also isn’t built to deal with the higher delay and jitter involved. PTP over WAN can be done and is a way to deliver a service but using a GPS receiver at each location is a much better solution only hampered by cost and one’s ability to see enough of the sky.

    The internet can lose packets. Given a few hours, the internet will nearly always lose packets. To get around this problem, Nicolas looks at using FEC whereby you are constantly sending redundant data. FEC can send up to around 25% extra data so that if any is lost, the extra information sent can be leveraged to determine the lost values and reconstruct the stream. Whilst this is a solid approach, computing the FEC adds delay and the extra data being constantly sent adds a fixed uplift on your bandwidth need. For circuits that have very few issues, this can seem wasteful but having a fixed percentage can also be advantageous for circuits where a predictable bitrate is much more important. Nicolas also highlights that RIST, SRT or ST 2022-7 are other methods that can also work well. He talks about these longer in his talk with Andreas Hildrebrand

    Nocals finishes by summarising that your solution will need to be sent over unicast IP, possibly in a tunnel, each end locked to a GNSS, high buffers to cope with jitter and, perhaps most importantly, the output of a workflow analysis to find out which tools you need to deploy to meet your actual needs.

    Watch now!

    Nicolas Sturmel Nicolas Sturmel
    Network Specialist,
    Merging Technologies