Video: An overview on 10-bit video — UHD, HDR and Coding Efficiency

In the past few years, the industry has been trying to improve the end user experience to have a higher spatial (pixels), temporal (framerate) and spectral (bitdepth) resolution.

This talk from Vimeo’s Vittorio Giovara and Ronald Bultje from Two Orioles will explore the high-bitdepth element of this improved user experience. Technically, this is usually referred to as 10-bit video, since, historically, the video user experience has been largely based on a 8-bit world. We will explain marketing terms like HDR, UHDTV, explore high bitdepth-support in commonly used video coding software, and showcase how these work together to improve your video coding efficiency and end user experience.

Introduction: Josie Keller (JWPlayer)
Presenters: Vittorio Giovara (Vimeo), Ronald Bultje (Two Orioles)

Video: A Jaunt Through Colour Technology In Video

In this talk, Color Me Intrigued, given at Demuxed 2017, Vittorio Giovara, Senior Video Encoding Engineer at Vimeo, sheds light on colorspaces – what they are, how and why they work, why we should care about handling edge cases properly. Starting with historical design choices, venturing through current standards such as BT.709, and arriving at modern times with High Dynamic Range, the focus will be on practical applications on the web and in broadcast.

A great primer for those who need it, and great revision for the rest!

Watch now


Vittorio Giovara Vittorio Giovara
Manager, Engineering – Video Technology,