Video: Content Production Technology on Hybrid Log-Gamma

‘Better Pixels’ is the continuing refrain from the large number of people who are dissatisfied with simply increasing resolution to 4K or even 8K. Why can’t we have a higher frame-rate instead? Why not give us a wider colour gamut (WCG)? And why not give us a higher dynamic range (HDR)? Often, they would prefer any of these 3 options over higher resolution.

Watch this video explain more, now.

Dynamic Range is the word given to describe how much of a difference there is between the smallest possible signal and the strongest possible signal. In audio, what’s the quietest things that can be heard verses the loudest thing that can be heard (without distortion). In video, what’s the difference between black and white – after all, can your TV fully simulate the brightness and power of our sun? No, what about your car’s headlights? Probably not. Can your TV go as bright as your phone flashlight – well, now that’s realistic.

So let’s say your TV can go from a very dark black to being as bright as a medium-power flashlight, what about the video that you send your TV? When there’s a white frame, do you want your TV blasting as bright as it can? HDR allows producers to control the brightness of your display device so that something that is genuinely very bright, like star, a bright light, an explosion can be represented very brightly, whereas something which is simply white, can have the right colour, but also be medium brightness. With video which is Standard Dynamic Range (SDR), there isn’t this level of control.

For films, HDR is extremely useful, but for sports too – who’s not seen a football game where the sun leaves half the pitch in shadow and half in bright sunlight? With SDR, there’s no choice but to have one half either very dark or very bright (mostly white) so you can’t actually see the game there. HDR enabled the production crew to let HDR TVs show detail in both areas of the pitch.

HLG, which stands for Hybrid Log-Gamma is the name of a way of delivering HDR video. It’s been pioneered, famously, by Japan’s NHK with the UK’s BBC and has been standardised as ARIB STV-B67. In this talk, NHK’s Yuji Nagata helps us navigate working with multiple formats; HDR HLG -> SDR, plus converting from HLG to Dolby’s HDR format called PQ.

The reality of broadcasting is that anyone who is producing a programme in HDR will have to create an SDR version at some point. The question is how to do that and when. For live, some broadcasters may need to fully automate this. In this talk, we look at a semi-automated way of doing this.

HDR is usually delivered in a Wide Colour Gamut signal such as the ITU’s BT.2020. Converting between this colour space and the more common BT.709 colour space which is part of the HD video standards, is also needed on top of the dynamic range conversion. So listen to Yugi Nagata’s talk to find out NHK’s approach to this.

NHK has pushed very hard for many years to make 8K broadcasts feasible and has in recent times focussed on tooling up in time for the the 2020 Olympics. This talk was given at the SMPTE 2017 technical conference, but is all the more relevant now as NHK up the number of 8K broadcasts approaching the opening ceremony. This work on HDR and WCG is part of making sure that the 8K format really delivers an impressive and immersive experience for those that are lucky enough to experience it. This work on the video goes hand in hand with their tireless work with audio which can deliver 22.2 multichannel surround.

Watch now!


Yuji Nagata Yuji Nagata
Broadcast Engineer,

Webinar: Video Delivery Trends

Date: Thursday February 28th 2019, 10am PT / 1PM ET / 18:00 GMT

Streaming continues to grow, in amount streamed, in people consuming it and in importance within this and other industries. One things which has always been an enabler yet made streaming harder to deploy is its rapid evolution. Whilst this has been a boon for smaller, nimbler companies – both content producers and service providers – the streaming has now arrived at most companies in one way or another and this breadth of use-cases has kept streaming tech moving forward and showing no signs of abatement.

Some aspects are changing. For instance we are seeing the first patent-free MPEG standard proposals (EVC, which has basic patent-free functionality and a better performing patent-controlled profile) on the heels of AV1. We’re seeing low-latency efforts such as CMAF taking hold as an alternative to WebRTC. With CMAF being much closer to the ever popular HLS, this may well beat out WebRTC in deployments at the cost of a slightly higher, but much improved latency.

To bring all of this in to focus for 2019, Jason Thibeault from the Streaming Video Alliance is bringing together a panel of experts to look at the coming trends and to give us an idea of what to look out for, and how to make sense, of 2019’s year of video delivery.

Register now!


Guillaume Bichot Guillaume Bichot
Head of Exploration,
Joshua Pressnell Joshua Pressnell
Chief Technology Officer,
Pierre-Louis Theron Pierre-Louis Theron
CEO & Co-founder
Johan Bolin Johan Bolin
Chief Product & Technology Officer,
Edgeware AB
Steve Miller-Jones Steve Miller-Jones
Vice President of Product Strategy
Limelight Networks
Jason Thibeault Moderator:
Jason Thibeault

Executive Director
Streaming Video Alliance

On-Demand Webinar: Human Perception Fundamentals – Colour, Contrast & Motion

Thursday February 7th, 10am PST / 1pm EST / 18:00 GMT
Now available on-demand!

There is so much talk about HDR, wide colour gamut (WCG), ‘Better Pixels’ and all the TVs seem to interpolate motion up to 100Hz or above, that it’s good to stop and check we know why all of this matters – and crucially when it doesn’t.

SMPTE’s new ‘Essential Technology Concepts Webcasts’ are here to help and for the first webcast, David Long will look at the fundamentals of colour, contrast and motion in terms of what we actually see.

This promises to be a great talk and, the chances are, even people who ‘know it already’ will be reminded of a thing or two!

Watch now.


David Long David Long
RIT Center for Media, Arts, Games, Interaction & Creativity
& MAGIC Spell Studios

Video: IP For Media Webcast Part II

Following on from last week’s post part II is here. Wes Simpson looks at use of IP in Remote Production/Remote Integration (REMI) and finished with a panel discussion including Newtek and Grass Valley, a Belden brand.

This video talks about:

  • Why Broadcasters need networking?
  • Typical Live remote sports broadcast roles
  • Overview of video & audio Signal types
  • HDR & Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)
  • Data (metadata, scripts etc)
  • REMI – Remote Integration, AKA ‘Remote Production’ in Europe.
  • Overview of what tasks can be done at base, what still needs to be done ‘on-site’
  • Uncompressed formats summary (SDI, 2022-6, 2110)
  • Slice-based compression
  • Mezzanine compression
  • TR-01 for carrying JPEG 2000 & audio
  • Bonded Cellular
  • Packetloss & FEC (Forward Error Correction)
  • 2022-7 – route diversity
  • Typical delays
  • Plus a panel discussion

Watch now!


Wes Simpson Wes Simpson
Telecom Product Consulting
Tom Butts Tom Butts
Content Director,
TV Technology